Inkspilled Papers by Kaaya Faye
Blotted Papers


All Poetry Archive is a broad category. It houses all the poems posted on InkSpilledPapers. The poems entertain a variety of subjects from Love, Life to Dreams and Fantasy.

The category archives a collection of short and long poems for readers looking for relatable poems. They are easy to understand and connect with. Written by a budding poet and writer, they are full of raw sentiments.

Personal yet Enjoyable

Written as an outlet for personal feelings, these poems are close to the poet. They are published with a sole purpose of entertainment. Enjoy them with a cup of hot coffee.

There’s Variety

Subject other than love and modern day romance can found in this category. The poet is about variety, since composing poems is all the poet loves, they intend to keep it lively, even at the Archives of Collection of Poems.

Navigate through and enjoy the archives of Blotted Papers by Kaaya Faye.

And Outside, It Rains.

And Outside, It Rains. A poem about distance between lovers. A poem about waiting on love that may never show up. A poem about sorrow in love.

The Bliss I Find In This Agony

Maybe my world, by which I mean you, fell apart for a while;Maybe I lost my reason, my joy, my love, my smile.But I still have some whiskers to pick,

Aubade poem by kaaya faye


It is a soft poem about quietly moving on from heartache.

Torn poem by Kaaya Faye


Time is funny because the pace seems slow until you look back and realise that so much has changed.

Silhouette of sunken dreams, a poem by kaaya faye


Silhouette While life, in directions, lights up and beams; I stare, at the silhouette of my dreams.

When My People Find Me by Kaaya Faye

When My People Find Me

A poem about being yourself, not giving into people who want to change you. Instead, keep being yourself with people who love for who you are.

I am nobody and that's my freedom poem by kaaya faye

I am Nobody and That’s My Freedom

“and when nobody wakes you up in the morning, and when nobody waits for you at night, and when you can do whatever you want. what do you call it, freedom or loneliness?” – Charles Bukowski