बारिश की बूंदे (Raindrops)
बारिश की बूंदें जैसे चाहत एक नई आंसुओं से आँखें भरी भरी खिड़की पर मैं खड़ी राह को ताक रही बारिश सी ये आस बड़ी ठंडक भी दे और बाढ़
All Poetry Archive is a broad category. It houses all the poems posted on InkSpilledPapers. The poems entertain a variety of subjects from Love, Life to Dreams and Fantasy.
The category archives a collection of short and long poems for readers looking for relatable poems. They are easy to understand and connect with. Written by a budding poet and writer, they are full of raw sentiments.
Written as an outlet for personal feelings, these poems are close to the poet. They are published with a sole purpose of entertainment. Enjoy them with a cup of hot coffee.
Subject other than love and modern day romance can found in this category. The poet is about variety, since composing poems is all the poet loves, they intend to keep it lively, even at the Archives of Collection of Poems.
Navigate through and enjoy the archives of Blotted Papers by Kaaya Faye.
बारिश की बूंदें जैसे चाहत एक नई आंसुओं से आँखें भरी भरी खिड़की पर मैं खड़ी राह को ताक रही बारिश सी ये आस बड़ी ठंडक भी दे और बाढ़
I have been up all night Listening to squabbles of those mistreated Misheard and misunderstood. I scrolled down the feeds Reading of battles won By the independent and the strong.
I know a woman She lives across the street. She has slender waist and bony hip Long legs but little feet. Her lips are soft like cotton Her skin, docile,
Maybe I Am You When you sit down With a heavy heart, That remembers nothing But how you both fell apart, You find yourself alone, In a distant corner of
When I first Looked at myself in the mirror And averted my eyes Ignored to see my own beautiful self I committed blasphemy. When I sought For others’ ideas
Far, far away Deep in the woods Filled with thick trees and tall grass Lived a man named ‘Saga’ Short and stout Noisy and loud He lived alone Screaming at
I’d rather trace my fingers Through the map You drew on me last time Than wait for you To miss them again. I’d rather mark My own territories Than wait
Marveling at the sight, I stood there, by the side Of the river that Never stopped to flow. Its water pristine, A little sweetness in brine Shone under the sun
Thou reader throbbest life and pride and love the same as I,
Therefore for thee the following chants.
Sillage Sunny afternoons and sweaty palms, Playing in the rugged grounds with rubble. Travelling through the city lights In air-conditioned metros. Sitting in the college cafeteria with friends, Discussing assignments